Thursday, February 20, 2014

Step one: Food log. Step two: Food prep.

Ok- so hopefully after last week you started food logging and getting it checked frequently by your coach.  If not, DO IT NOW!!! Great job! You have taken the first step towards a healthier you, and another step towards reaching your personal goals.  Now- time for step two.

Food prep. 

You've now been able to see for a week or so some weaknesses in your eating habits. Let's clean that up.

 First thing you need to do is clean out your pantry.  Probably needs some serious help! Rid your cabinets of grain products, artificial sweeteners, dairy, and anything that is processed and packaged.  NO EXCUSES!!

Second thing you need to do is make a menu for the week.  Create a chart if that's your thing, and fill it in with yummy meals you and your family will enjoy. Make sure to have protein, carbs, and good fats in every meal.

Third- Make a grocery list.  Think about this- include foods that are sold on the outside of the store, not within the isles.  The isle foods are stocked with packaged, processed foods.  If you can, stick to the veggies, meats, and fresh foods around the edges.

Last- Take time (1-2 hours) out of your busy schedule, and prepare your meals for the week.  Chop veggies, BBQ tons of meat, slice up your avocados, etc. Make sure and prepare enough food to have leftovers for lunch the next day.

A few helpful tips:
1- Limit fruit consumption.  Fruit is extremely high in sugar.  If you must, stick to your berries.
2- Don't over do it on nuts! Portion control! They can have unfavorable effects on that digestive system.
3- Search Paleo websites for good recipe ideas.  There are tons out there. Use your resources and HAVE FUN with your food!! Also search Paleo food lists to see the variety of delicious proteins, carbs, and fats there are for you to play with!
4- If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, try picking one thing to focus on for a few weeks, and see how your body is reacting. For example, cut out dairy and log any changes you feel throughout that time.

Happy Prepping!

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