Friday, September 14, 2012

Choice or Default?

How are you living your life?  By choice or be default?  This question was posed to me yesterday.  I can proudly say that due to changes recently made in my life, I am now living by choice.  I am a noticeably happier person, a more attentive wife, and a more energetic mother.  Think about this... choice or default?  Are you doing what you're doing because you want to, or because it's safe.  In the last few months, I have taken HUGE risks with my "life plan."  I have stepped away from everything I've ever known and switched directions, and I absolutely LOVE it!

Think about this question in at least one aspect of your life.  Choice or default?  Are you willing to make a change and take a risk to get one step closer to your ultimate happiness?  Your ultimate goals?  I did, and it's the best thing that's happen to my family and me in a very long time.  I am so grateful for those who have supported me through this.  I hope this question helps you reflect on your goals and remember your dreams.  They aren't as far out of reach as you think.....

: )
Bruised and Healed. Changing lives...

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